🖼 15.09.2024 Let us remove murmurs and criticism of our superiors and brothers from our lives. Fr. Pierino Galeone
15.09.2024Let us remove murmurs and criticism of our superiors and brothers from our lives.Fr. Pierino Galeone
15.09.2024Let us remove murmurs and criticism of our superiors and brothers from our lives.Fr. Pierino Galeone
14.09.2024Beneath the cross you learn to suffer and to love.Fr. Pierino Galeone
13.09.2024Loving your enemies is perfect love.Fr. Pierino Galeone
22.09.2024We must always pray, work and love one another in Mary’s name.Fr. Pierino Galeone
11.09.2024The Madonna del Popolo intercedes before her Son Jesus on behalf of all her children.Fr. Pierino Galeone
09.09.2024Let us pray to Our Lady so that she come to the aid of all mankind and bind to her heart all the family of nations.Fr. Pierino Galeone
08.09.2024The Madonna del Popolo is the ancient Patroness of our town. Let us celebrate her feast today, venerating her as our Mother.Fr. Pierino Galeone
07.09.2024Communion with God is man’s participation in His sanctity.Fr. Pierino Galeone
06.09.2024The charm of the saints is like a perennial river containing every gift from the Lord.Fr. Pierino Galeone
05.09.2024Mother Teresa’s pastoral care for the poor is a marvelous song of service to suffering.Fr. Pierino Galeone
04.09.2024The true identity of the consecrated person is to follow Christ and observe His mandate.Fr. Pierino Galeone
03.09.2024Those who are consecrated complete the Word of Christ carrying out the mandate of the Prophet Isaiah to go to the poor, the sick prisoners and the oppressed.Fr. Pierino Galeone
02.09.2024The precious legacy of the martyrs is the blood offered to the Lord as a witness to the faith.Fr. Pierino Galeone
30.08.2024Whomsoever follows Jesus must be a witness to the truth, like St. John the Baptist.Fr. Pierino Galeone
28.08.2024St. Augustine is the fruit of his mother’s heart which begged the Lord for his conversion. Monica was pleasing to the Lord because He responded above and beyond her request, calling her son to priestly ministry.Fr. Pierino Galeone
27.08.2024Let us thank the Lord for the good mothers He has given us. We are always surprised by the love they had for their children and the efficaciousness of their maternal prayer.Fr. Pierino Galeone
26.08.2024Let us act so as to be always good to everyone.Fr. Pierino Galeone
25.08.2024Whomsoever follows the Word of God is very pleasing to the Lord.Fr. Pierino Galeone
24.08.2024Padre Pio said to me “Bartholomew was skinned alive by men, me by God. God is much better than men.”Fr. Pierino Galeone
23.08.2024St. Rose is a witness to our charism. She is honored as the Patroness of Peru. Let us imitate her and spread awareness of her holiness which was always conformed to Jesus Crucified.Fr. Pierino Galeone